Wintercroft Mask at the Oakland Women’s March
Rising Against the Regressive Regime
Recently, a brave, intelligent young woman named Cynthia left a review on our website that moved us to get in touch and find out more about her experience of wearing our Jaguar Mask at the incredible Women’s March in Oakland, California. She chose the Jaguar to make a statement about Trump’s infamously repulsive ‘grabbing’ comment and apparently it turned quite a few heads.
When we ask her about the experience of being part of this historical and important event, she told us a touching story of a little boy who tugged on her arm and said in a shy voice, “I really like your Mask.” Apparently, the 9-year-old had his own knitted pussy-cat-pink hat that his aunty made for the March - which included not just strong Women, but forward-thinking, empathetic folks of all ages, races, genders and religions coming together to let their voice be heard. Here is what Cynthia said about the exchange:
“I don’t know If the mask helped him feel like sharing, or if he was just a naturally sensitive curious young man, all I know is having a cool means of connecting to someone like him felt inspiring and hopeful.”
Indeed, this scenario (and the whole Women’s March campaign) instils hope in all of us. It is encouraging to know that empathy, strength and a sense of community will not be extinguished. We're thrilled to hear that creative craft is being used as a vehicle for self-expression and we could not be more proud to have our Masks used as a symbol of strength and positive progression of the people.
Unfortunately, it isn’t enough to stand proud and let your voice be heard, so we asked Cynthia if there was anything we can do to take action and she kindly pointed us in the right direction. Below is a link to Women’s March on Washington, which provides direction for the positive, proactive resistance in the form of the 10 Actions, 100 Days global campaign. If anyone decides to wear a Mask to one of these events, please do get in touch and share your experience with us.
For more features on causes and campaigns we have been involved in, visit our Press and Politics page: https://wintercroft.com/pages/press-and-politics
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