The Ever Dwellers Set
The stories of how our world came to be are wind in sails. Sails that have taken us to strange lands and the even stranger shores of the human soul. Here, the tides of good and evil ebb and flow, licking away the sands of confusion, revealing fossilised fragments that act as keys to the locks that imprison our purpose. Our world has many locks, and perhaps we are not the only nor the first to hold these keys.
In our quest to explain everything, perhaps we have found nothing. In the face of the great undoing, there are tales being muttered from the dying breaths of elders. Tales of four beings yet untold. According to those who have looked beyond the Great Face, they've always been and will forever be... here. They are the Ever Dwellers.THE EVER DWELLERS

When you purchase your masks in sets, you save 25% off and get four masks to build with family or friends. These themed sets are great for rainy days, holidays and getting ready for festivals and parties. Click the big blue button below to see our growing collection of incredible mask sets.
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The files are protected by copyright and are not to be shared or distributed in any way.
The templates and completed masks are for personal use only.
The masks and templates will not be used for commercial purposes without prior consent.
Selling items made from our templates and designs is prohibited.